
WebSocket API - Connecting

The process for authenticating and connecting to a player

Be Polite
If your app is going to be using the controller detailed here must inform the user that you are now controlling the app. This is done by sending a message to WebSocket with a stringified JSON object in the form.

  "namespace": "connect",
  "method": "connect",
  "arguments": ["Name of Device / App"]

This command will trigger a response

  "channel": "connect",
  "payload": "CODE_REQUIRED"

A UI will popup in GPMDP containing a 4 digit code. You must instruct your user to provide this 4 digit code to you and you must then send it in the following form

  "namespace": "connect",
  "method": "connect",
  "arguments": ["Name of Device / App", "0000"]

If the code is incorrect the CODE_REQUIRED message will be sent to you again. If it is correct however you will receive a permanent authorization code in the following form

  "channel": "connect",

As soon as you receive that message (and whenever you want to connect to the WebSocketAPI) you must simply send one message in the form.

  "namespace": "connect",
  "method": "connect",
  "arguments": ["Name of Device / App", "RANDOM_STRING_OF_CHARS_HERE"]